Maryland Environmental Law Attorneys
Maryland Environmental Law Attorneys
Rich & Henderson, P.C. | Attorneys At Law

Uniquely Qualified Attorneys With Extensive Experience


Maryland has a rich mining history — coal in the Appalachian counties to the west, aggregates and sand throughout the Central and Eastern Shore counties and blue stone in the north and northeast. The lawyers at Rich & Henderson, P.C., have actively represented mining companies on these issues for decades throughout the state. Our experience includes:

  • Local zoning approvals, such as special exception proceedings;
  • State permitting approvals;
  • Mine safety enforcement defense;
  • Defending permit and operational challenges;
  • Mine expansions;
  • Sinkholes and karst terrain;
  • Closure and reclamation;
  • Marketing and sale of mining facilities;
  • State and local enforcement matters.

Contact attorneys Tim Henderson or Peter Hershey for an initial consultation. Reach our Annapolis office by calling 410-267-5900.