Renewable Energy And Climate Change
Rich & Henderson, P.C., represents a variety of companies in the energy and renewables field, assisting them as they negotiate the regulatory maze that often confronts projects of their type, such as wind, solar, biomass or waste-to-energy. New projects often require authorization from the Maryland Public Service Commission as a regulated public utility and undergo a lengthy permitting process with various local, state and federal agencies to comply with zoning and environmental requirements. Rich & Henderson, P.C., has the experience and knowledge to help your business better understand the issues and to help resolve them.
While planning current projects, our attorneys think ahead in anticipation of climate change challenges, resiliency and adaptation efforts. In a state surrounded by water, sea level rise, flooding and increasing intensity of coastal storms in Maryland are key concerns that Rich & Henderson, P.C., is equipped to advise clients on for development and energy projects.
The Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority relies on the firm to provide legal support regarding the two existing waste-to-energy plants in Maryland. Rich & Henderson, P.C., has also represented the owners or operators of the Wheelabrator facility located in Baltimore City for a number of years. Power generated by the conversion of municipal waste-to-energy is designated as a renewable energy source in the state of Maryland’s renewable energy portfolio. Our lawyers have also worked to obtain approvals for innovative waste and energy facilities for agricultural uses as well as sole installations.
For more information about our energy, renewables and climate resiliency practice, see our page on land use.
For more information on how Rich & Henderson, P.C., can assist you and your business, please contact Tim Henderson. Contact our law office by calling 1-800-407-0250.